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In this insightful three-part series, Robert Lutton, VP of Sandhill Consultants and Editorial Board Vice Chair of CDO Magazine engages in a candid conversation with Shashank Garg, CEO and Co-Founder of Infocepts, a renowned leader in Data and AI solutions. The series dives into the intricacies of leveraging Data and AI for enhanced business success, exploring transformative strategies and discussing real-world applications and outcomes of AI investments.

Episode 1: From Data to Outcome: Leveraging AI for Business Success

In the inaugural episode, Shashank Garg attributes Infocepts’ impressive track record to its business-first approach to data and AI. He advocates prioritizing tangible business outcomes over technological complexities. Shashank discusses the top five initiatives for an effective data and AI strategy, emphasizing the importance of data enablement and the development of full-stack data products. He also highlights the need for establishing AI labs to foster innovation while managing risks, advising data leaders to streamline and simplify their data strategies.

Episode 2: Seizing the GenAI Opportunity: Practical Steps for Business Leaders

The second episode sees Shashank discussing the role of Generative AI in optimizing business operations, improving customer interactions, and enhancing developer productivity. Through real-life examples like automated loan monitoring and advanced chatbots for customer service, he illustrates the transformative potential of data apps. These apps transcend traditional data tools by offering immersive experiences and faster development times. Shashank advocates for a user-centric approach in data product development, aiming to align closely with business needs and decision-making processes, thus boosting adoption and effectiveness.

Episode 3: Turning AI Investments into Tangible Business Outcomes

In the series finale, the conversation turns to the challenges many organizations face in deriving real value from their AI investments. Shashank points out the common issue of overinvestment in technology without strategic outcomes and stresses the importance of technology rationalization. He shares how Infocepts helps manage legacy systems efficiently to free up resources for innovation. The discussion includes practical applications of AI, such as using generative AI to personalize e-commerce product descriptions and enhancing pharmaceutical sales strategies, demonstrating AI’s capacity to revolutionize business practices and drive revenue growth.

Robert closes the series by encouraging listeners to explore further resources and offerings from Infocepts, such as DiscoverYai, Employee 360, and Insights-IQ, to delve deeper into the strategic use of AI and data in business.